Calm Space
I always need to remind myself to calm down and take breaks whenever I'm working on long projects. Whenever I'm not in a good mindset I tend to drink tea, I have a tiny hobby of collecting cute tea cups as they're therapeutic in a way for me.
I don't usually like going out but one of the most calming places for me is
going to my favorite strip mall. This place is called The Shoppes at Arbor
Lakes in Maple Grove, around Christmas time they set up the lights and I
feel it's even better at night time. The whole area feels enchanted
especially when there is snowfall.

Once in a while it's good to go to your favorite place just to take a quick breather, I always have issues with my mentality where I'm so stressed out. So coming here once in a while genuinely makes me happy and calm.
( Art In The City Photo )
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